EZTouch EZ3 "Enhanced" series models which are direct drop in replacements for all EZ3 HMIsThe Work Horse Full Loaded, Fully American
2 Serial, Ethernet, 2 USB, microSD
Full Feature Unit |
23 Exceptionally Innovative Features. Lasts twice as long: NEMA 4X, 400 nits, 75KHrs@55°C
List of Innovative Features
- 400 nits, 75K hrs. @ 55°C
- Patented HMI on-line edit, No downtime
- On-Screen Recipe Edit.
- Dual PLC Drivers with automatic tag conversion.
- Only HMI that can still talk to AB’s DH+
- “C level” scripting and logic expressions.
- EZiest Program Software, design time in hrs not days.
- Upload HMI program from USB without software/cable
- Fastest touch response time of any HMI.
- Best looking objects and animation with 65K colors.
- Every model Fully Loaded, No “R” Reduced Features models
and the list goes on...