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Data Acquisition Software - EZ-DAQ-SOFT
Data Acquisition Software - EZ-DAQ-SOFT
Price: $139.00

Product Code: EZ-DAQ-SOFT

EZDaq software collects and saves tag data from one or more (connected and running) EZTouch HMI panels. The user specifies tags and schedules for data acquisition. Data files are organized in a convenient, user selectable format (tab delimited or CSV) and can be opened in Excel or in any text editor.
EZDaq uses the RS232 programming port to a PC or Ethernet for communicating with multiple panels allowing the data acquisition PC to be far away from the panel. EZTouch Enhanced would require an Ethernet to serial adapter.
With EZCE TouchPanel, the user has the option of collecting data on the panel itself using the EZDaqCE application (although the PC would still be required for creating the schedule files). EZDaqCE is included in this utility.
  • Two types of data collection schedules: Time-based and Event-based